Dear Friend,
I hope you understand that my life is so different now. You remember – you were here once, although, I know it was years ago. I had no choice but to wait until the time was ready for me to start a family. I was so excited when I joined the mommy-team, but some days it still feels like we struggle to relate as you are out of the baby phase already, and gladly so.
You were here once…
I hope you understand that my life takes so much more planning these days. Last year this time I could, at a whim, come over to visit with you; grab a drink (albeit a non-alcoholic one); go to the movies without much planning; do brunches or dinners with the girls. Now any of these tasks require coordination around nap times and feed times.
I hope you understand that now I have with me this little person who needs me, and I am torn. To be honest, I miss all those fun, on-the-fly things we used to do. Now I have a stronger pull to be there for my baby above all else and to put his needs above my own. It isn’t always easy – but deep down I know its best.
I hope you understand that there is this internal tension inside of me. Sometimes I long for those days – those carefree times. Where I only needed to consider myself. I could go where I wanted when I wanted, near or far, regardless of the weather. Oh dear, I don’t even remember what those days and it’s only been just under a year.
I hope you understand that sometimes I struggle to relate when our lives seem to have taken a slightly different shape. Those days when we spoke about our career goals and the latest trends, now I am a stay at home mom and the only trend is tights and a mom bun. I try and find common ground – please know that I am trying. Will you try too?
Know that I am trying
I hope you understand that this is just a season. Soon I will be out of the baby phase, but for now, this time is most precious to me. I appreciate it so much when you make allowance for my current state of being and we somehow still get to spend time together over coffee, instead of cocktails. I value you coming over to my home and sitting with me while my son plays on the rug.
I hope you understand that your friendship means that world to me; your support in this season means that world to me; and your words of encouragement means the world to me. Please know that even though I cannot make it and have to cancel on the last minute once again, that I do miss you deeply and value you greatly and look forward to when I get to see you again.
I totally understand 😊