I obviously wasn’t always a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM). I was once a thriving career woman. By the age of 30 I was an equity partner in a company that I helped establish and develop into an international brand in its field. However, I used to dream about the day I would get married and start a family, and my desire was that I would be able to be SAHM.
I had no idea of the challenges and frustrations that as a SAHM I would have to face. Try negotiating with an 8 month old. Boss Baby – there has never been a truer term! Babies are no respecters of schedules or deadlines. I think back to how different my life was back in the business world – always focussing on the bottom line. I still focus on a bottom, but it’s more poop diapers as opposed to profitability.
The stress. The emails. The spreadsheets. Don’t get me wrong, there were elements of that life that I thoroughly enjoyed. That said, the challenges of the business world are completely different to the challenges of being a SAHM, the rewards are also incomparable. I don’t earn the mega bucks anymore – but I get remunerated in cuddles and laughter, and in the honour of getting to witness first hand all my boy’s little developmental milestones. Back then, on any given morning before 11am there would’ve been strategy meetings and chit-chat around the coffee machine etc. Now a successful morning means that by 11am, I have managed to shower and get dressed.
Working or Stay at Home – Mom guilt eats at us all, right? Are we doing enough, giving enough, being enough…
Most days I am awake by 7h00 am, no alarm needed ‘cos by then my little one is wide awake and has already had his morning bottle. If I am not too tired, I can hit the shower before he gets niggly, otherwise if he is already moany it means he is hungry and so it’s off to the kitchen for breakfast. By 8h30am my baby is fed and dressed, pity I cannot say the same for myself. Chances are that if at any point I’ve made myself coffee, it is left unfinished and probably cold by now. I have look through my diary and plan some activities. The aim is to try and rid myself of the mom-guilt I would have about my child being cooped up inside the house all the time. Every day there is a constant battle in trusting whether I had done enough with my boy. Have I given him enough of my attention, am I being the best mommy I can be?
After a nice afternoon out, we get home and I let the baby play on the floor while I figure out what I should have for lunch. I take a seat next to him (on the floor is my new usual spot) and attempt to eat lunch while being happily distracted by my insanely cute little guy. Mom guilt hits again, am I interacting enough with my baby. I grab a book and sit him on my lap so that I can read him a story. We sing some songs. Tickles and giggles. Now it’s time to get baby down for his nap so that I can do some home admin and figure out what’s for dinner. I work my way through the house – clear the kitchen, pack dishwasher, rinse bottles. I am about to start dinner when I hear the baby – he has only slept for 30 minutes!!! I defy that little voice in my head that says “screen time is bad”, and I put my boy in front of the TV and play a few ‘little bum nursery rhymes’ to keep him entertained. As I whip up his dinner I wonder to myself, am I making enough effort to ensure that my boy is getting a well-balanced healthy meal. Does this mom guilt and self-doubt ever go away?
There’s this lovely challenge that we often face – it’s called TIMING.
For someone who is home all day, I sure do struggle with finding time. For example deciding when to shower or the best time to hang out the laundry, are just some of the tasks that require expert time management skills. Obviously it’s great if I could get all these things done while baby is asleep, but the reality is I don’t have that much control over when he sleeps or for how long. Trust me, I have tried to work out a schedule but the baby just won’t follow it. The only alternative is to keep him busy long enough to allow me some time to do the non-baby-watching tasks that as a SAHM I need to take care of. So, I sit my baby safely in his playpen, add some toys and head out to the washing line (or the shower – or dare I say, the toilet).
This time, considering its laundry day, I head outside. It is so peaceful out there. I can hear birds chirp and the sun shines warmly on my skin. For a moment I let my mind wonder and I contemplate all the non-baby related things I would like to achieve that day or week. I replay some discussions I had with my husband the night before. Sometimes, I even spend time in conversation with God. All while enjoying the scent of fresh laundry.
I hear a moan over the baby monitor and my thoughts are quickly interrupted – I have to get done and get back inside stat!
The tribe, the sandpit and the silly bugger who parked me in
The seasons are changing and these might be the last of those lovely sunny (yet chilly) days. I have an impromptu idea to head to the local park so that my boy can get some outside time. I call a SAHM friend – yay she is free to join us. Nothing like being part of a tribe of mommies who are home with their little ones. Once we are at the park its: entertain baby, feed baby, spend a few moments sitting under a tree chatting, let baby play in the sand and then it’s back home. On the way home, I have mom guilt about the fact that my baby has only now, at 8 months, had his first experience of playing in the sandpit. Seriously! This mom guilt thing is a never ending roller coaster..
We need to make a quick pit stop at the store. I hop out and load baby into the trolley. He looks so cute sitting upright as we quickly go from one isle to the next. When we get back to the car I notice that a very ‘kind hearted person’ has PARKED ME IN. I cannot open the driver’s door of my car, so I need to climb over the passenger seat. Are you kidding me? If it wasn’t for the fact that I had my boy in the back of the car I would’ve waited there to give that person a piece of my mind! Mommy rage is a real thing.
Feed baby, bath baby, bottle for baby and bed time.
I am going to confess that most nights I cannot wait for bed time. I love my cutie pie and he is my precious little seedling, BUT mamma needs some down time. It seems that the mommy-shift only really ends when the baby is asleep for the night. Yes he might wake up and yes I might need to attend to him, but he might not and I might just be able to relax on the sofa, binge watch The Good Wife and eat chips hahahaha… Fortunately he is a champ at bed time. By latest 8h30pm he is out and I get to enjoy some chill time with my hubby for as long as I can keep my eyes open.
Later, as I creep into bed next to that warm little body that I once grew inside my belly, I am overwhelmed again by the deep love I have for my son. I smell his hair and kiss his cheek – softly of course ‘cos I don’t want to wake him. As I close my eyes, I say a prayer of thankfulness in that I get to be HIS mamma and I get to spend this time with him….
In conclusion SAHM or Working Mom – either way you’ve got to deal with other people’s crap
When I was in the corporate world, working in a team focussed on same vision and goal, I had to deal with a lot of other people’s crap and wrestle with many challenges and frustrations on a daily basis. Now I wrestle a baby to get him to lie still so that I can clean his soiled diaper and, let me tell you this, I will take that crap over the other any day of the week.