My son is a happy healthy 9 months old. Around 6 months of age, I decided to phase out breastfeeding and introduce formula. I am often asked the questions – when and how – and here is the just of it.
Firstly let me say to me breastfeeding was an important part of my mothering journey and I am so blessed that I got to feed my child in this way. However, I must confess that when those first few teeth started making their appearance – I started considering whether it wasn’t the best time to make the move. As cute as those little munchers were, I did not want to experience the dreaded nipple bite!
There was also the reality that I was starting to feel very tied down by the breastfeeding thing. I was not one to feed in public mostly because my child hated being covered, that said we made it work when it was necessary. The bigger issue was having to be there with my child as and when he needed to feed – for however long that took – every time. There was also ensuring that I had expressed enough milk for him. It was becoming more demanding and I was starting to feel drained.
So, it was New Year’s Day and I bought formula. No better time to start something new right? I felt that my son had received a good base and I started with one bottle feed a day along with breastfeeding. I had already introduced the bottle to him around 8 weeks so that he would be OK being fed by his dad, so fortunately him taking a bottle was not going to be an issue.
I enjoyed the ease of mixing the milk. I would position my boy snuggly on my lap while he happily drank the bottle. He even learnt to hold the bottle within no time. We were both enjoying this new found freedom. So much so that before I knew it, one bottle a day turned into two and true to form my breastmilk supply started to decrease. Breastmilk feeds went from mornings and evenings feeds, to only in the evening.
I recall the day that I realised I had almost completely dried up. I think he was around seven and a half months. We were lying on the bed getting ready for a nap and he nuzzled close to my breast – the same fashion way he used to before. At this stage, I was only feeding him formula, but I think he could still smell the teeny tiny bit of milk that I had left. So I thought, why not and offered him my breast. He latched and suckled for a minute or two, enjoying the last few sips of that sweet natural nectar. I recall at that moment the feeling of both sadness and satisfaction. I had given my baby the best foundation possible by doing what I could to ensure that he was breastfed – and now we are done.
My son is quite a stocky little boy and till today I get asked about his weight. When I respond that he is weighing 12.5kgs, the question that most often follows is “did I breastfeed?”. My response to that is always met with a knowing nod, which I find really amusing. Regardless, we are on our solid food journey and before I know it I will be able to get rid of the baby bottles and formula feeds! Well, that’s until the next mini me comes along. A true testimony to the every changing life of a new mom.